Quick Guide for Completing the CSV Template

Follow these instructions to complete the users_template.csv file accurately:

  1. File Format:

    • The CSV file should be completed using spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or any other tool that supports CSV format.

  2. Instructions:

    • Date Format: Ensure that the start_date is formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Example: 2024-08-15.

    • Account Numbers: The account_number column must be formatted as text to retain leading zeros (e.g., 0012345678). In Excel or Google Sheets, you can set the column format to "Text" to avoid losing leading zeros.

  3. Column Instructions:

    • first_name:

      • Enter the user's first name.

      • Ensure that names start with a capital letter (e.g., John).

    • last_name:

      • Enter the user's last name.

      • Similar to the first name, start with a capital letter (e.g., Doe).

    • personal_email:

      • Provide the user's personal email address. This must be unique and cannot be associated with another user in the system.

      • Ensure the email address is in a valid format (e.g., john.doe@example.com).

    • domain:

      • Enter the domain name of your company, e.g., example.com. Ensure this matches the domain used for generating corporate emails.

      • Ensure that the domain is correctly spelled and formatted.

    • user_types:

      • Specify the user type (e.g., admin, user, etc.).

      • This value is case-sensitive and should match predefined types in the system.

    • title:

      • Enter the user's job title (e.g., Manager, Developer).

      • Ensure it matches any of the Built-in Title Options below:

        • N/A

        • Intern

        • Associate

        • Senior Associate

        • Lead

        • Manager

        • Staff

        • Senior Manager

        • Principal

        • Director

        • Fellow

        • Vice President

        • Distinguished

        • Chief

        • Executive Vice President

        • President

        • Chief Executive Officer

    • base_salary:

      • Enter the amount paid per pay cycle.

      • Ensure that this is a numeric value without any currency symbols (e.g., 5000).

    • department:

      • Specify the department the user belongs to (e.g., HR, IT).

    • allowances:

      • Enter any additional allowances provided, as a numeric value.

    • office_location:

      • Specify the office location of the user (e.g., New York, San Francisco).

    • start_date (YYYY-MM-DD):

      • Enter the user's start date in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

      • Example: 2024-09-15.

      • Ensure that the date is valid and follows the correct format.

    • manager:

      • Enter the email address of the user's manager.

      • This email must correspond to an existing user in the system.

    • bank_name:

      • Enter the name of the user's bank. Please refer to this page on the exact bank names to use.

    • account_number:

      • Enter the user's bank account number.

      • Format this column as text in your spreadsheet software to retain leading zeros (e.g., 00123456789). See how to here.

  4. Final Checks:

    • Before uploading, double-check the data to ensure there are no missing fields or incorrect formats.

    • Ensure that the date fields are in the correct format (YYYY-MM-DD) and that all email addresses are valid.

    • Save the file as a .csv and ensure the filename is users_template.csv or a recognizable name.

  5. Validation:

    • The system will validate the data upon upload. Ensure all fields are correctly filled to avoid errors.

  6. Uploading the CSV:

    • Once the CSV file is complete and saved, it is ready to be uploaded into the system for processing.

By following this guide, you can ensure the data is accurate, formatted correctly, and ready for seamless import into the system.

Last updated