Gangmates’ Goal Setting and Performance Management feature helps organizations set and track progress across multiple levels of goals, from overarching business objectives to granular subtasks. This system integrates dynamic progress calculations based on weight methods, ensuring accurate tracking aligned with organizational structures and requirements.
Weighting Method Configuration:
Navigate to the Company Settings page and ensure the Weighting Method is set. The two available methods are:
Custom Weighting: Progress is calculated based on assigned weights.
Equal Weighting: All objectives, tasks, and subtasks contribute equally to progress.
Organizational Structure:
Ensure the business units, departments, teams, and users are appropriately structured within the system.
Key Features
Hierarchical Breakdown:
Goals can be broken into Objectives, then into Tasks, and further into Subtasks.
Progress is dynamically rolled up from subtasks to tasks, objectives, and goals.
Flexible Assignment:
Goals, objectives, tasks, and subtasks can be assigned to individuals, teams, departments, or business units.
Dynamic Progress Calculation:
Progress is calculated using the company’s configured weighting method:
Custom Weighting: Uses weights assigned to each level.
Equal Weighting: Assumes all elements contribute equally.
Step-by-Step Guide
Step 1: Create a Goal
Navigate to the Performance menu.
Select Goals, then click New Goal.
Fill in the following:
Goal Name: Enter a concise and clear goal name.
Owner: Assign to a user, team, department, business unit, or group based on your organizational structure.
Click Create to save the goal.
Step 2: Break Down the Goal
Add Objectives:
Open the created goal and click Add Objective.
Assign the objective to a Business Unit.
Save the objective.
Add Tasks to Objectives:
Open the objective and click Add Task.
Assign the task to a Department.
Save the task.
Add Subtasks to Tasks:
Open the task and click Add Subtask.
Assign the subtask to a Team or User.
Save the subtask.
Step 3: Track Progress
Subtask Updates:
Assigned users or teams update the Progress Percentage and Status of subtasks (e.g., In Progress, Completed).
Dynamic Roll-Up:
Subtask progress is rolled up to update the progress of parent tasks, objectives, and goals dynamically.
Progress Calculation
Weighting Method Impact
Custom Weighting:
Each level (e.g., objectives, tasks, subtasks) contributes to progress based on its assigned weight.
Formula: Progress=Sum of (Progress × Weight)Total Weight\text{Progress} = \frac{\text{Sum of (Progress × Weight)}}{\text{Total Weight}}Progress=Total WeightSum of (Progress × Weight)
Equal Weighting:
Assumes equal contribution from all elements.
Formula: Progress=Sum of ProgressTotal Elements\text{Progress} = \frac{\text{Sum of Progress}}{\text{Total Elements}}Progress=Total ElementsSum of Progress
Example Calculations
Custom Weighting for Objectives:
Objective 1 (Weight: 3, Progress: 80%)
Objective 2 (Weight: 2, Progress: 50%)
Total Weight = 3 + 2 = 5
Progress = (80×3+50×2)÷5=68(80 × 3 + 50 × 2) ÷ 5 = 68%(80×3+50×2)÷5=68
Equal Weighting for Subtasks:
Subtask 1: 100%
Subtask 2: 50%
Subtask 3: 0%
Progress = (100+50+0)÷3=50(100 + 50 + 0) ÷ 3 = 50%(100+50+0)÷3=50
Pending: No progress or all subtasks/tasks/objectives are pending.
In Progress: At least one subtask/task/objective is in progress.
Completed: All subtasks/tasks/objectives are marked as completed.
Key Notes
Weight Configuration:
Custom weighting provides flexibility but requires accurate weight assignment.
Equal weighting simplifies progress tracking by treating all elements equally.
Dynamic Updates:
Changes at the subtask level cascade upwards, ensuring real-time updates for parent tasks, objectives, and goals.
Status Management:
Subtasks must be accurately updated for their parent elements to reflect correct statuses and progress.
Example Scenarios
Team Project Management:
Goal: Launch New Product.
Objective: Develop Marketing Campaign.
Task: Create Promotional Video.
Subtask: Scriptwriting (Team A, 100%).
Subtask: Video Editing (Team B, 50%).
Progress dynamically rolls up from subtasks to the goal.
Departmental KPIs:
Goal: Increase Sales by 20%.
Objective: Improve Lead Generation.
Task: Run Ads.
Subtask: Design Ad Creatives (Team C).
Progress Not Updating:
Ensure subtasks, tasks, or objectives have accurate progress and status updates.
Incorrect Progress Values:
Check the weighting method and assigned weights in the company settings.
Missing Elements:
Verify that goals, objectives, tasks, and subtasks are correctly assigned and saved.
For further assistance, contact with details about the issue, such as the specific goal, objective, task, or subtask experiencing difficulties.
Last updated